Life & Wine: La Pizzeria Italiana - Lacbleu Wines

Life & Wine: La Pizzeria Italiana

Last night, we had the pleasure of hosting our second Life & Wine tasting event in the UK. In conjunction with our friends at La Pizzeria Italiana in Lewisham, widely considered to be one of London’s true hidden gems, guests were able to savor authentic Italian flavours along with live music and, of course, a healthy supply of Lacbleu wines. Guests enjoyed the rich, deep flavours of Lacbleu 2018 Bordeaux Supérieur as well as the deliciously smooth Lacbleu 2017 Médoc – all served alongside cured meats, cheeses, clam linguine and a selection of other amazing dishes. The evening was a resounding success, and we’re already looking forward to our next event! If you weren’t able to make it last night, keep an eye on our website for details of future events. We hope to see you there 🍷